Today is World Environment Day! It's being hosted by Côte d'Ivoire and supported by the Netherlands. This year, the theme will focus on solutions to plastic pollution under the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution. We Are the Voice really cares about this theme.
During our choir sessions, single-use plastic is banned. All the children use refillable bottles and as part of their example-set gentle education, they take the issues we sing about home with them.
Ellie, who has been with the choir since it began wrote a song all about plastic following a workshop given by We Are The Voice at her school. Ellie is hugely talented and was only 10 years old at the time. Plastic is a horrible word to sing or to rhyme with! She did a really great job!!! Here is the chorus. This little clip shows Ellie talking about plastic:
Come and hear the choir sing for the environment on 17th June @riverhousebarn at 2pm. We will be INSIDE the barn. Come and join us!

#BeatPlasticPollution #wearethevoice #childrensenvironmentalchoir #voice #parentsforfuture #choir #SaveOurOcean #riverhousebarn #worldenvironmentday